1. Carcelen AC, Prosperi C, Hamahuwa M, Kapungu K, Chongwe G, Mwansa FD, Ndubani P, Simulando E, Bwalya IC, Matakala K, Musukwa G, Mutale I, Betha E, Chaavwa N, Kampamba L, Matoba J, Munachoonga P, Mufwambi W, Situtu K, Thuma PE, Sakala C, Kayeye P, Truelove SA, Winter AK, Ferrari MJ, Moss WJ, Mutembo S. 2024. Feasibility and acceptability of collecting dried blood spots (DBS) from children after vaccination during supplementary immunization activities to estimate measles and rubella seroprevalence. PLOS Global Public Health.

  2. Nakase T, Brownwright T, Okunromade O, Egwuenu A, Ogunbode O, Lawal B, Akanbi K, Grant G, Bassey OO, Coughlin MM, Bankamp B, Adetifa I, Metcalf CJE, Ferrari MJ. 2024. The impact of sub-national heterogeneities in demography and epidemiology on the introduction of rubella vaccination programs in Nigeria. Vaccine.

  3. Shattock AJ, Johnsons HC, Sim SY, Carter A, Lambach P, Hutubessy RCW, Thompson KM, Badizadegan K, Lambert B, Ferrari MJ, Jit M, Fu H, Silal SP, Hounsell RA, White RG, Mosser JF, Gaythorpe KAM, Trotter CL, Linstrand A, O’Brien KL, Bar-Zeev N. 2024. Contribution of vaccination to improved survival and health: modelling 50 years of the Expanded Program on Immunization. The Lancet 2307-2316.

  4. Hartner AM, Li X, Echeverria-Londono S, Roth J, Abbas K, Auzenbergs M, de Villiers MJ, Ferrari MJ, Fraser K, Fu H, Hallett T, Hinseley W, Hit M, Karachaliou A, Moore SM, Nayagam S, Paopadopolous T, Perkins TA, Portnoy A, Minh QT, Vynnycky E, Winter AK, Burrows H, Chen C, Clapham HE, Deshpande A, Hauryski S, Huber J, Jean K, Kim C, Kim JH, Koh J, Lopman BA, Pitzer VE, Tam Y, Laambach P, Sim SY, Woodruff K, Ferguson NM, Trotter CL, Gaythorpe KAM. 2024. Estimating the health effects of COVID-19 related immunisation disruptions in 112 countries during 2020-2030: a modeling study. The Lancet Global Health e563-3571.

  5. Sbarra AN, Jit M, Mosser JF, Ferrari MJ, Cutts F, Papania M, Kretsinger K, McCarthy K, Thakkar N, Gaythorpe KAM, Gamage D, Krause LK, Dansereau E, Crowcroft N, Portnoy A. 2023. Population-level risk factors related to measles case fatality: a conceptual framework based on expert consultation and literature review. Vaccines 11(8): 1389.

  6. Smith RA, Small ML, Bharti N, DeMatte SJ, Lennon RP, Ferrari MJ. 2023. COVID-19 mitigation among college students: Social influences, behavioral spillover, and antibody results. Health Communications 38(10): 2002-2011.

  7. Azam JM, Pang X, Are EB, Pulliam JRC, Ferrari MJ. 2023. Modelling outbreak response impact in human vaccine-preventable diseases: A systematic review of differences in practices between collaboration types before COVID19. Epidemics 45: 100720.

  8. Minta AA, Ferrari MJ, Antoni S, Portnoy A, Sbarra A, Lambert B, Hatcher C, Hsu CH, Ho LL, Steulet C, Gacic-Dobo M, Rota PA, Mulders MN, Bose AS, Perea WA, O’Connor P, Crowcroft N. 2023. Progress toward regional measles elimination – worldwide, 2020-2022. MMWR 98(46): 587-599.

  9. Shea K, RK Borchering, WJM Probert, E Howerton, TL Bogich, SL Li, WG van Panhuis, C Viboud, R Aguás, AA Belov, SH Bhargava, SM Cavany, JC Chang, C Chen, J Chen, S Chen, Y Chen, L M Childs, C C Chow, I Crooker, S Y Del Valle, G España, G Fairchild, R C Gerkin, T C Germann, Q Gu, X Guan, L Guo, G R Hart, T J Hladish, N Hupert, D Janies, C C Kerr, D J Klein, E Y Klein, G Lin, C Manore, L Ancel Meyers, J E Mittler, K Mu, R C Núñez, R J Oidtman, R Pasco, A Pastore y Piontti, R Paul, C AB Pearson, D R Perdomo, T A Perkins, K Pierce, A N Pillai, R Cherie Rael, K Rosenfeld, C Watson Ross, J A Spencer, A B Stoltzfus, K Ben Toh, S Vattikuti, A Vespignani, L Wang, L J White, P Xu, Y Yang, O N Yogurtcu, W Zhang, Y Zhao, D Zou, M J Ferrari, D Pannell, M J Tildesley, J Seifarth, E Johnson, M Biggerstaff, M A Johansson, R B Slayton, J D Levander, J Stazer, J Kerr, M C Runge. 2023. Multiple models for outbreak decision support in the face of uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 120(18) e2207537120.

  10. Sbarra AN, Mosser JF, Jit M, Ferrari MJ, Ramshaw RE, O'Connor P, Krause LK, Rogowsk ELBi, Portnoy A, 2023. Estimating national-level measles case–fatality ratios in low-income and middle-income countries: an updated systematic review and modelling study. The Lancet Global Health 11(4): e516-e524

  11. Minta AA, Ferrari MJ, Antoni S, Portnoy A, Sbarra AN, Lambert B, Hauryski S, Hatcher C, NedelecY, Datta D, Ho LL, Steulet C, Gacic-Dobo M, Rota PA, Mulders MN, Bose AS, Perea WA, O’Connor P. 2022. Progress towards regional measles elimination — Worldwide 2000-2021. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 71(47): 1489-1495.

  12. Winter AK, Lambert B, Klein D, Klepac P, Papadopoulos T, Truelove S, Burgess C, Santos H, Knapp JK, Reef SE, Kayembe LK, Shendale S, Kretsinger K, Lessler J, Vynnycky E, McCarthy K, Ferrari MJ, Jit M. 2022. Feasibility of measles and rubella vaccination programs for disease elimination: a modeling study. The Lancet Global Health 10(10) e1412-e1422.

  13. Echeverria-Londono S, Hartner AM, Li X, Roth J, Portnoy A, Sbarra AN, Abbas K, Ferrari MJ, Fu H, Kit M, Gaythorpe KAM. 2022. Exploring the subnational inequality and heterogeneity of the impact of routine measles immunisation in Africa. Vaccine 40(47) 6806-6817.

  14. Probert WJM, Nicol S, Ferrari MJ, Li S, Shea K. Tildesley MJ, Runge MC. 2022. Vote-processing rules for combining control recommendations from multiple models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 10.1098/rsta.2021.0314

  15. Herrera-Diestra JL, Tildesley MJ, Shea K, Ferrari MJ. 2022. Cattle transport network predicts endemic and epidemic foot-and-mouth disease risk on farms in Turkey. PLoS Computational Biology 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010354

  16. Trednnick AT, O’Dea EB, Ferrari MJ, Park AW, Rohani P, Drake JM. 2022. Anticipating infectious disease re-emergence and elimination: a test of early warning signals using empirically based models. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10.1098/rsif.2022.0123

  17. Arnold, CRK, Srinivasan S, Rodriguez S, Rydzak, Herzog CM, Gontu A, Bharti N, Small ML, Rogers CJ, Schade MM, Kuchipudi SV, Kapur V, Read AF, Ferrari MJ. 2022. A longitudinal study of the impact of university student return to campus on teh SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among the community members. Scientific Reports 12 (8586)

  18. Smith RA, Small ML, Bharti N, DeMatte SJ, Lennon RP, Ferrari MJ. 2022.COVID-19 mitigation among college students: Social influences, behavioral spillover, and antibody results. Health Communcations 10.1080/10410236.2022.2049047

  19. Bharti N. Lambert B, Exten C, Faust C, Ferrari MJ, Robinson A. 2022 Large university with high COVID-19 incidence did not increase risk to non-student population. Scientific Reports 12 (3313)

  20.  Portnoy A, Hsieh YL, Abbas K, Klepac P, Santos H, Brenzel L, Jit M, Ferrari MJ. 2022. Differential health impact of intervention programs for time-varying disease risk: a measles vaccination modeling study. BMC Medicine 20 (113)

  21. Azam JM, Saitta B, Bonner K, Ferrari MJ, Pulliam JRC. 2021. Modelling the relative benefits of using the measles vaccine outside cold chain for outbreak response. Vaccine 39(40):5845-5853

  22. Dixon MG, Ferrari MJ, Antoni S, Li X, Portnoy A, Lambert B, Hauryski S, Hatcher C, Nedelec Y,Patel M, Alexander JA, Steulet 3c, Gacic-Dobo M, Rota PA, Mulders MN, Bose AS, Rosewell A, Kretsinger K, Crowcroft NS. 2021. Progress Toward Regional Measles Elimination — Worldwide, 2000–2020. MMWR 70(45);1563–1569

  23. Toor J, Echeverria-Londono S, Li X, Abbas K, Carter ED, Clapham HE, Clark A, de Villiers MJ, Eilertson K, Ferrari MJ, Gamkrelidze I, Hallett TB, Hinsley WR, Hogan D, Huber JH, Jackson ML, Jean K, Jit M, Karachaliou A, Klepac P, Kraay A, Lessler J, Li X, Lopman BA, Mengistu T, Metcalf CJE, Moore SM, Nayagam S, Papadopoulos T, Perkins TA, Portnoy A, Razavi H, Razavi-Shearer D, Resch S, Sanderson C, Sweet S, Tam Y, Tanvir H, Minh QT, Trotter CL, Truelove SA, Vynnycky E, Walker N, Winter A, Woodruff K, Ferguson NM, Gaythorpe KAM (2021) Lives saved with vaccination for 10 pathogens across 112 countries in a pre-COVID-19 world. eLife 

  24. Gaythorpe KAM, Abbas K, Huber J, Karachaliou A, Thakkar N, Woodruff K, Li X, Echeverria-Londono S, VIMC Working Group on COVID-19 Impact on Vaccine Preventable Disease, Ferrari MJ, Jackson ML, McCarthy K, Perkins TA, Trotter C, Jit M. 2021. Impact of COVID-19-related disruptions to measles, meningococcal A, and yellow fever vaccination in 10 countries. eLife. 

  25. Howerton E, Ferrari MJ, Bjørnstad ON, Bogich TL, Borchering RK, Jewell CP, Nichols JD, Probert WJM, RungeMC, Tildesley MJ, Viboud C, Shea K. (2021) Synergistic interventions to control COVID-19: mass testing and isolation mitigates reliance on distancing. PLoS Computational Biology. 

  26. Reimer JR, Ahmed SM, Britz B, Shah RU, Keegan LT, Ferrari MJ, Leung DT. (2021) Using a clinical prediction rule to prioritize diagnostic testing leads to reduced transmission and hospital burden: a modeling example of early SARS-CoV-2. Clinical Infectious Diseases.

  27. Tao Y, Shea K, Probert W, Runge M, Lafferty K, Tildesley M, Ferrari MJ. (2021) Causes of delayed outbreak responses and their impacts on epidemic spread. J. Roy Soc Interface.

  28. Nichols J, Bogich T, Howerton E, Bjornstad ON, Borchering RK, Ferrari MJ, Haran M, Jewell C, Pepin KM, Probert WJM, Pulliam JRC, Runge MC, Tildesley MJ, Viboud C, Shea K. 2021. Strategic testing approaches for targeted disease monitoring can be used to inform pandemic decision-making. PLoS Biology

  29. Ahmed SM, Shah RU, Bale M, Peacock JB, Berger B, Brown A, Mann S, West W, Martin V, Fernandez V, Grineski S, Brintz B, Samore MH, Ferrari MJ, Leung DT, Keegan LT. (2021) Comprehensive testing highlights racial, ethnic, and age disparities in the COVID-19 outbreak: epidemiological and clinical characteristics of cases in Utah. Public Health Reports

  30. Gontu A, Srinivasan S, Salazar E, Surendran Nair M, Nissly RH, Greenwalt D, Bird IM, Herzog C, Ferrari MJ, Poojary I, Katani R, Lindner SE, Minns AM, Rossi R, Christensen PA, Castillo B, Chen J, Eagar TN, Yi X, Zhao P, Leveque C, Olsen RJ, Bernard DW, Golihar J, Kuchipudi SV, Musser JM, Kapur V. (2021) Limited window for donation of convalescent plasma with high live-virus neutralizing antibodies for COVID-19 immunotherapy. Nature Communications Biology

  31. Li X, Mukandavire C,Cucunubá ZM, Abbas K, Clapham HE, Jit M, Johnson HL, Papadopoulos T, Vynnycky E, Brisson M, Carter ED, Clark A, de Villiers MJ, Eilertson K, Ferrari MJ, Gamkrelidze I, Gaythorpe K, Grassly NC, Hallett TB, Jackson ML, Jean K, Karachaliou A, Klepac P, Lessler J, Li X, Moore SM, Nayagam S, Nguyen DM, Razavi H, Razavi-Shearer D, Resch S, Sanderson C, Sweet S, Sy S, Tam Y, Tanvir H, Tran QM, Trotter CL, Truelove S, van Zandvoort K, Verguet S, Walker N, Winter A, Ferguson NM, Garske T. (2021) Estimating the health impact of vaccination against 10 pathogens in 98 low and middle income countries from 2000 to 2030. The Lancet. 

  32. Cutts FT, Ferrari MJ, Krause LK, Tatem AJ, Moser JF. 2021. Vaccination strategies for measles control and elimination: time to strengthen local initiatives. BMC Medicine 19

  33. Paulson, JN, Williams, BL, Hehnly, C, Mishra, N, Sinnar, SA, Zhang, L, Ssentongo, P, Mbabazi-Kabachelor, E, Wijetunge, DSS, von Bredow, B, Mulondo, R, Kiwanuka, J, Bajunirwe, F, Bazira, J, Bebell, LM, Burgoine, K, Couto-Rodriguez, M, Ericson, JE, Erickson, T, Ferrari, MJ, Gladstone, M, Guo, C, Haran, M, Hornig, M, Isaacs, AM, Kaaya, BN, Kangere, SM, Kulkarni, AV, Kumbakumba, E, Li X, Limbrick Jr, DD, Magombe, J, Morton, SU, Mugamba, J, Ng, J, Olupot-Olupot, P, Onen, J, Peterson, MR, Roy, F, Sheldon, K, Townsend, R, Weeks, AD, Whalen, AJ, Quackenbush, J, Ssenyonga, P, Galperin, MY, Almeida, M, Atkins, H, Warf, BC, Lipkin, WI, Broach, JR, and Schiff, SJ. (2020). Paenibacillus infection with frequent viral coinfection contributes to postinfectious hydrocephalus in Ugandan infants. Science Translational Medicine 12(563).

  34. Shea K, Runge MC, Pannell D, Probert WJM, Li Shou-Li, Tildesley M, Ferrari MJ. 2020. Harnessing multiple models for outbreak management. Science 368(6491): 577-9

  35.  Bryant J, Azman AS, Ferrari MJ, Arnold BF, Boni M, Boum Y, Hyaford K, Luquero FJ, Mina MJ, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Wu JT, Wade D, Vernet G, Leung DT. 2020. Serology for SARS-CoV-2: Apprehensions, opportunities, and the path forward. Science Immunology 5(47): DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abc6347 

  36. Atkins BD, Jewell CP, Runge MC, Ferrari MJ, Shea K, Probert WJM, Tildesley MJ. 2020. Anticipating future learning affects current decisions: A comparison between passive and active adaptive management in an epidemiological setting. Journal of Theoretical Biology 506 110380 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110380

  37. Utazi CE, Wagai J, Pannell O, Cutts Felicity T, Rhoda DA, Ferrari MJ, Dieng B, Oteri J, Danovaro-Hilliday MC, Adeniran A, Tatem AJ. 2020. Geospatial variation in measles vaccine coverage through routine and campaign strategies in Nigeria: Analysis of recent household surveys. Vaccine 38(14) 3062-3071

  38. Cutts FT, Dansereau E, Ferrari MJ, Hanson M, McCarthy KA, Metcalf CJE, Takahashi S, Tatem AJ, Thakar N, Truelove S, Utazi E, Wesolowski A, Winter AK. 2019. Using models to shape measles control and elimination strategies in low- and middle-income countries: A review of recent applications. Vaccine https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.11.020

  39. Cattadori IM, Pathak A, Ferrari MJ. 2019. External disturbances impact helminth–host interactions by affecting dynamics of infection, parasite traits, and host immune responses. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5805

  40. Eilertson KE, Fricks J, Ferrari MJ. 2019. Estimation and prediction for a mechanistic model of measles transmission using particle filtering and maximum likelihood estimation. Statistics in Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.8290

  41. Li S, Ferrari MJ, Bjornstad ON, Runge MC, Fonnesbeck CJ, Tildesley MJ, Pannell D, Shea K. 2019. Concurrent assessment of epidemiological and operational uncertainties for optimal outbreak control: Ebola as a case study. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2019.0774

  42. Probert WJM, Lakkur S, Fonnesbeck CJ, Shea K, Runge MC, Tildesley MJ, Ferrari MJ. 2019. Context matters: using reinforcement learning to develop human readable, state-dependent outbreak response policies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2018.0277

  43. Graham M, Winter AK, Ferrari MJ, Grenfell BT, Moss WJ, Azman AS, Metcalf CJE, Lessler J. 2019. Measles and the canonical path to elimination. Science 364(6440): 584-587. DOI: 10.1126/science.aau6299

  44. Drake JM, Brett TS, Chen S, Epureanu BI, Ferrari MJ, Marty E, Miller PB, O’Dea EB, O’Regan SM, Park AW, Rohani P. 2019. The statistics of epidemic transitions. PLoS Computational Biology 15(5): e1006917 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006917

  45. Utazi CE, Thorley J, Alegana VA, Ferrari MJ, Takahashi S, Metcalf CJE, Lessler J, Cutts FT, Tatem AJ. 2019. Mapping vaccination coverage to explore the effects of delivery mechanism and inform vaccination strategies. Nature Communications 10(1):1633 doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09611-1

  46. Safari M, Ferrari MJ, Roossinck MJ. 2019. Manipulation of aphid behavior by a persistent plant virus. J Virology Feb 13 doi: 10.1128/JVI.01781-18

  47. Portnoy A, Jit M, Ferrari MJ, Hanson M, Brenzel L, Verguet S. 2019. Estimates of case-fatality ratios of measles in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and modelling analysis. The Lancet Global Health DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30537-0

  48. Truelove SA, Graham M, Moss WJ, Metcalf CJE, Ferrari MJ, Lessler J. 2019. Characterizing the impact of spatial clustering of susceptibility for measles elimination. Vaccine 37(5): 732-741 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.12.012

  49. Utazi CE, Thorley J, Alegana VA, Ferrari MJ, Nilsen K, Takahashi S, Metcalf CJE, Lessler J, Tatem AJ. 2018. A spatial regression model for the disaggregation of areal unit based data to high-resolution grids with application to vaccination coverage mapping. Statistical Methods in Medical Research https://doi.org/10.1177/0962280218797362

  50. Prada JM, Metcalf CJE, Ferrari MJ. 2018. Improving measles incidence inference using age-structured serological data. Epidemiology and Infection 146(13) 1699-1706.

  51. Tao Y, Shea K, Ferrari MJ. 2018. Logistical constraints lead to intermediate an optimum in outbreak response vaccination. PLoS Computational Biology https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006161

  52. Probert WJM, Jewell CP, Werkman M, Fonnesbeck CJ, Goto Y, Runge MC, Sekiguchi S, Shea K, Keeling MJ, Ferrari MJ, Tildesley MJ. 2018. Real-time decision-making during emergency disease outbreaks. PLoS Computational Biology. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006202

  53. Ghosh S, Ferrari MJ, Pathak AS, Cattadori IM. 2018. Changes in parasite traits, rather than intensity, affect the dynamics of infection under external perturbation. PLoS Computational Biology 14(6):e1006167

  54. Kundrick A, Huang Z, Carran S, Kagoli M, Grais RF, Hurtado N, Ferrari MJ. 2018. Sub-national variation in measles vaccine coverage and outbreak risk: a case study from a 2010 outbreak in Malawi. BMC Public Health 18:741.

  55. Winter AK, Wesolowski AP, Mensah KJ, Ramamonjiharisoa MB, Randriamanantena AH, Razafindratsimandresy R, Cauchemez S, Lessler J, Ferrari MJ, Metcalf CJE, Heraud JM. 2018. Revealing Measles Outbreak Risk With a Nested IgG Serosurvey in Madagascar. American Journal of Epidemiology https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwy114

  56. Harth JE, Ferrari MJ, Tooker JF, Stephenson AG. 2018. Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus Infection Limits Establishment and Severity of Powdery Mildew in Wild Populations of Cucurbita pepo. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: Article Number 792.

  57. Winter AK, Martinez ME, Cutts FJ, Moss WJ, Ferrari MJ, McKee A, Lessler JT, Hayford K, Wallinga J, Metcalf CJE. 2018. Benefits and challenges in using sero-prevalence data to inform models for measles and rubella elimination. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, jiy137,

  58. Carran S. Ferrari MJ, Reluga T. 2018. Unintended consequences and the paradox of control: management of emerging pathogens with age-specific virulence. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0005997

  59. Baker CM. Ferrari MJ, Shea K. 2018. Beyond dose: pulsed antibiotic treatment schedules can maintain individual benefit while reducing resistance. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24006-w

  60. Fonnesbeck CJ, Shea K, Carran S, de Moraes JC, Gregory C, Goodson JL, Ferrari MJ. 2018. Measles outbreak response decision-making under uncertainty: a retrospective analysis. Journal of the Royal Society Interface DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0575

  61. Graham M, Suk JE, Takahashi S, Metcalf CJE, Jimenez AP, Prikazsky V, Ferrari MJ, Lessler JT. 2018. Challenges and Opportunities in Disease Forecasting in Outbreak Settings: A Case Study of Measles in Lola Prefecture, Guinea. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  62. Utazi CD, Thorley J, Alegana VA, Ferrari MJ, Takahashi S, Metcalf CJE, Lessler J, Tatem AJ. 2018. High resolution age-structured mapping of childhood vaccination coverage in low and middle income countries. Vaccine 36: 1583-1591

  63. McKee A, Shea K, Ferrari MJ. 2018. Correlation between measles vaccine doses: Implications for the maintenance of elimination. Epidemiology and Infection 146: 468-475.

  64. Winter AK, Pramanik S,Lessler J, Ferrari MJ,Grenfell BT, Metcalf CJE. 2018 Rubella vaccination in India: identifying broad consequences of vaccine introduction and key knowledge gaps. Epidemiology and Infection 146(1) 65-77

  65. Park J, Goldstein J, Haran M, Ferrari MJ. 2017. An ensemble approach to predicting the impact of vaccination on rotavirus disease in Niger. Vaccine 35(43): 5835-5841

  66. Bhattacharyya S, Ferrari MJ, Bjornstad ON. 2017. Species interactions explain may help explain the erratic periodicity of whooping cough dynamics. Epidemics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epidem.2017.12.005

  67. Gunning CE, Ferrari MJ, Erhardt EB, Wearing HJ. 2017. Evidence of cryptic incidence in childhood diseases. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1268

  68. Ozawa S, Clark S, Portnoy A, Grewal S, Stack ML, Sinha A, Mirelman A, Franklin H, Friberg IK, Tam Y, Walker N, Clark A, Ferrari M, Suratdecha C, Sweet S, Goldie SJ, Garske T, Li M, Hansen P, Johnson HL, Walker D. 2017. Estimated economic impact of vaccinations in 73 low- and middle-income countries, 2001-2020. Bulletin of the World Health Organization

  69. Takahashi S, Metcalf CJE, Ferrari MJ, Tatem AJ, Lessler JT. 2017. The geography of measles vaccination in the African Great Lakes region. Nature Communications 8: doi:10.1038/ncomms15585

  70. Li S, Bjørnstad ON, Ferrari MJ, Mummah R ,Runge MC, Fonnesbeck CJ, Tildesley MJ, Probert WJM, and Shea K. 2017. Essential information: Uncertainty and optimal control of Ebola outbreaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi:10.1073/pnas.1617482114

  71. Li S, Ma C, Hao L, Su Q, An Z, Ma F, Xie S, Xu A, Zhang Y, Ding Z, Li H, Cairns L, Wang H, Luo H, Wang N, Li L, Ferrari MJ. 2017. Demographic transition and the dynamics of measles in six provinces in China: A modeling study. PLoS Medicine http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002255

  72. Prada JM, Metcalf CJE, Takahashi S, Lessler J, Tatem AJ. Ferrari MJ. 2017. Demographics, epidemiology and the impact of vaccination campaigns in a measles-free world – Can elimination be maintained? Vaccine. (in press)

  73. Bradbury NV, Probert WJM, Shea K, Fonnesbeck CJ, Keeling MJ, Ferrari MJ, Tildesley MJ. 2017. Quantifying the value of perfect information in emergency vaccination campaigns. PLoS Computational Biology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005318

  74. Webb C, Ferrari MJ, Lindstrom T, Carpenter T, Durr T, Garner G, Jewell C, Stevenson M, Ward M, Werkman M, Backer J, Tildesley MJ. 2017. Ensemble modelling and structured decision-making to support emergency disease management. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2017.01.003

  75. McKee A, Shea K, Ferrari MJ. 2017. Optimal vaccine schedules to maintain measles elimination with a two-dose routine policy. Epidemiology and Infection 145(1): 227.

  76. Bhattacharyya S, and Ferrari MJ. 2016. Age-specific mixing generates transient outbreak risk following critical-level vaccination. Epidemiology and Infection 145 (1): 12-22.

  77. Bharti N, Djibo A, Tatem, AJ, Grenfell BT, Ferrari MJ. 2016. Measuring populations to improve vaccination coverage. Scientific Reports 6:34541|DOI:10.1038/srep34541

  78. Harth, JE, Winsor JA, Weakland DR, Nowack KJ, Ferrari MJ, Stephenson AG. 2016. Effects of virus infection on pollen production and pollen performance: Implications for the spread of resistance alleles. American Journal of Botany 10.3732/ajb.1500165.

  79. Probert WJM, K Shea, CJ Fonnesbeck, MC Runge, TE Carpenter, S Durr, MG Garner, N Harvey, MA Stevenson, CT Webb, M Werkman, MJ Tildesley, MJ Ferrari. 2016. Decision-making for foot-and-mouth disease control: Objectives matter, Epidemics 15: 10-19.

  80. Metcalf CJE, Ferrari MJ, Grenfell BT. 2015. Understanding herd immunity. Trends in Immunology 36: 753-755.

  81. Takahashi S, CJE Metcalf, MJ Ferrari, WJ Moss, SA Truelove, AJ Tatem, BT Grenfell, J Lessler. 2015. Reduced vaccination and the risk of measles and other childhood infections post-Ebola. Science 347(6227): 1240-1242.

  82. McKee A, Ferrari MJ, Shea K. 2015. The effects of maternal immunity and age distribution on population immunity to measles. Theoretical Ecology 10.1007/s12080-014-0250-8

  83. Drake JM, Kaul RB, Alexander LW, O'Reagan SM, Kramer AM, Pulliam JT, Ferrari MJ, Park AW. 2015. Ebola cases and health system demand in Liberia. PLoS Biology DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002056

  84. Jongejans E, Skarpaas O, Ferrari MJ, Long ES, Dauer JT, Schwarz CM, Rauschert ESJ, Jabbour R, Mortensen DA, Isard SA, Lieb DA, Sezen Z, Hulting AG & Shea K. 2014. A unifying gravity framework for dispersal. Theoretical Ecology.

  85. Simmons HE, Prendeville HR, Dunham JP, Ferrari MJ, Earnest JD, Pilson D, Munkvold GP, Holmes EC, Stephenson AG. 2014. Transgenic virus-resistance in crop-wild Cucurbita pepo does not prevent vertical transmission of zucchini yellow mosaic virus, Plant Disease. DOI

  86. Lofgren E, Halloran ME, Rivers CM, Drake JM, Porco TC, Lewis B, Yang W, Vespignani A, Shaman J, Eisenberg JNS, Eisenberg MC, Marathe M, Scarpino SV, Alexander KA, Meza R, Ferrari MJ, Hyman JM, Meyers LA, Eubank S. 2014. Opinion: Mathematical models: A key tool for outbreak response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  87. Halloran ME, Vespignani A, Bharti N, Feldstein LR, Alexander KA, Ferrari MJ, Shaman J, Drake JM, Porco T, Eisenberg JNS, Del Valle SY, Lofgren E, Scarpino SV, Eisenberg MC, Gao D, Hyman JM, Eubank S, Longini RM. Ebola: Mobility data. Science 346(6208): 433.

  88. Shea K, Tildesley MJ, Runge MC, Fonnesbeck CJ, Ferrari MJ. 2014. Adaptive management and the value of information: learning via intervention in epidemiology, PLoS Biology DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001970

  89. Ferrari MJ, Fermon F, Nackers F, Llosa A, Magone C, Grais RF. 2014. Time is (still) of the essence: quantifying the impact of emergency meningitis vaccination response in Katsina State, Nigeria. International Health doi:10.1093/inthealth/ihu062.

  90. Minetti, A. Hurtado, N, Grais, RF, Ferrari, MJ. 2013. Reaching the hard-to-reach: nonselective versus targeted outbreak response vaccination for measles. American Journal of Epidemiology doi: 10.1093/aje/kwt236

  91. Ferrari, MJ, Grenfell BT, Strebel PM. 2013. Think globally, act locally: the role of local demographics and vaccination coverage in the dynamic response of measles infection to control. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London:

  92. Simons, E. MJ Ferrari, PM Strebel. 2012. Global reduction in measles mortality – Authors’ reply. The Lancet 380: 1304-1305.

  93. Harth, J.E., T.W. Deveney, J.A. Winsor, M.J. Ferrari and A.G. Stephenson. 2012. Background and development of a model to predict the fate of an escaped virus resistant transgene from Cucurbita pepo. Pp. 230-238. In: Cucurbitaceae 2012: Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae. Cukurova University Press, Antalya, Turkey

  94. Jandarov R, M Haran, MJ Ferrari. 2012. A compartmental model for meningitis: separating transmission from climate effects on disease incidence. J Ag Biol Envir Stat 17(3) : 395-416.

  95. Simons E, Ferrari MJ, Fricks J, Wannamuehler K, Anand A, Burton A, Strebel P. 2012. Assessment of the 2010 global measles mortality reduction goal: results from a model of surveillance data. The Lancet S0140-6736(12)60522-4

  96. Anderson, SB. MJ Ferrari, HC Evans, SL Elliot, JJ Boomsma, DP Hughes. 2012. Disease dynamics in a specialized parasite of and societies . PLoS ONE 7(5): e36352.

  97. Chen, S, J Fricks, MJ Ferrari. 2012. Tracking measles infection through non-linear state space models. Journal of the Royal Society of Statistics, C 61(1): 117-134.

  98. Borer E. J. Antonovics, LL Kinkel, PJ Hudson, P Daszak, MJ Ferrari, KA Garrett, CR Parrish, AF Read, DM Rizzo. 2011. Bridging Taxonomc and Disciplinary Divides in Infectious Disease. EcoHealth 8: 261-267.

  99. Bharti N, H Broutin, RF Grais, MJ Ferrari, A Djibo, AJ Tatem, BT Grenfell. 2011. Spatial dynamics of meningococcal meningitis in Niger: observed patterns in comparison with measles. Epidemiology and Infection 140: 1356-65.

  100. Bharti N. AJ Tatem, MJ Ferrari, RF Grais, A Djibo, BT Grenfell. 2011. Explaining seasonal fluctuations of measles in Niger using nighttime lights imagery. Science 9 December 2011: 1424-1427.

  101. Ferrari, MJ, SE Perkins, LW Pomeroy, ON Bjørnstad. 2011. Pathogens, social networks, and the paradox of transmission scaling. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases. doi:10.1155/2011/267049

  102. Metcalf, CJE. P Klepac, MJ Ferrari, RF Grais, A Djibo, BT Grenfell. 2011. Modelling the first dose of measles vaccination. Epidemiology and Infection 139: 265-274.

  103. Yang, S., M. Ferrari, K. Shea. 2010. Pollinator Behavior Mediates Negative Interactions between Two Congeneric Invasive Plant Species. American Naturalist 177(1): 110-118.

  104. Sasu, M. M.J. Ferrari, A.G. Stephenson. 2010. Interrelationships among a Virus-Resistance Transgene, Herbivory, and a Bacterial Disease in a Wild Cucurbita. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171 (9): 1048-1058

  105. Metcalf, CJE, O.N. Bjornstad, M.J. Ferrari, P. Klepac, N. Bharti, H. Lobez-Gatell, B.T. Grenfell. 2010. The epidemiology of rubella in Mexico: seasonality, stochasticity and regional variation. Epidemiology and Infection. Sep 15: 1-10.

  106. Ferrari, M.J. A. Djibo, R.F. Grais, N. Bharti, B.T. Grenfell, O.N. Bjornstad. 2010. Rural urban gradient in seasonal forcing of measles transmission in Niger. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B 277: 2775-2782.

  107. Stack, J.C., D. Welch, M.J. Ferrari, B. Shapiro, B.T. Grenfell. 2010. Protocols for sampling viral sequences to study epidemic dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface 7(48): 1119-1127

  108. Bharti N, R.F. Grais, M.J. Ferrari, O.N. Bjørnstad, A. Tatem, C. McCabe, A. Djibo, B.T. Grenfell. 2010. Measles hotspots and epidemiological connectivity in Niger. Epidemiology and Infection 138(1): 108-116.

  109. Ferrari, M.J., A. Djibo, R.F. Grais, B.T. Grefell, O.N. Bjørnstad. 2010. Episodic outbreaks bias estimates of age-specific force of infection: a corrected method using measles in Niamey, Niger as an example. Epidemiology and Infection. 148: 108-116.

  110. Sasu, M, M.J. Ferrari, D. Du, J.A. Winsor, A.G. Stephenson. 2009. Indirect costs of a non-target pathogen mitigate the direct benefits of a virus resistant transgene in wild Cucurbita. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 106: 19067-19071 -- doi: 10.1073/pnas.0905106106

  111. Perkins, S.E., M.J. Ferrari, P.J. Hudson. 2008. The effects of social structure and sex-biased transmission on macroparasite infection. Parasitology doi: 10.1017/S0031182008000449

  112. Ferrari, M.J., R.F. Grais, N. Bharti, A.J.K. Conlan, O.N. Bjørrnstad, L.J. Wolfson, P.J. Guerin, A. Djibo, B.T. Grenfell. 2008. The dynamics of measles in sub-Saharan Africa. Nature 451: 679-685.

  113. Grais, R.F., A.J.K. Conlan, M.J. Ferrari, O.N. Bjørnstad, B.T. Grenfell, A. Djibo, P. Strebel. 2008. Time is of the Essence: Exploring a Measles Outbreak Response Vaccination in Niamey, Niger. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5: 67-74. DOI 10.1098/rsif.2007.1038

  114. Finkelman, B.S., C. Viboud, K. Koelle, M.J. Ferrari, N. Bharti, G.T. Grenfell. 2007. Global Patterns in Seasonal Activity of Influenza A/H3N2, A/H1N1, and B from 1997 to 2005: Viral Coexistence and Latitudinal Gradients. PLoS ONE 2(12): e1296. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001296.

  115. Graham, A. I.M. Cattadori, J. O. Lloyd-Smith, M.J. Ferrari, O.N. Bjørnstad. 2007. Transmission consequences of co-infection: cytokines writ large? Trends in Parasitology. 23: 284-291

  116. Ferrari, M.J., D. Du, J.A. Winsor, A.G. Stephenson. 2007. Inbreeding depression of plant quality reduces incidence of an insect-borne pathogen in a wild gourd. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 168: 603-610

  117. Ferrari, M.J., A.G. Stephenson, M.C. Mescher, C.M. De Moraes. 2006. Inbreeding effects on blossom volatiles in Cucurbita pepo ssp. texana. American Journal of Botany 93: 1768-1774.

  118. Ferrari, M.J., O.N. Bjørnstad, J.L. Partain, J. Antonovics. 2006. A gravity model for the spread of a pollinator-borne plant pathogen. The American Naturalist. 168: 294-303

  119. Ferrari, M.J. S. Bansal, L.A. Meyers, O.N. Bjørnstad. 2006. Network frailty and the geometry of herd immunity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273: 2743-2748.

  120. Grais, R.F., M.J. Ferrari, C. Dubray O.N. Bjørnstad, B.T. Grenfell, A. Djibo, F. Fermont, P.J. Guerin. 2006. Estimating the reproductive ratio for a measles epidemic in Niamey, Niger: lessons for intervention. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 100(9): 867-873.

  121. Ferrari, M.J., Bjørnstad,O.N. and Dobson, A.P. 2005. Estimation and inference for R0 of an infectious disease using a removal method. Mathematical Boisciences. 198(1): 14-26.

  122. Ferrari, M.J. and R.A. Garrott. 2002. Bison and elk: brucellosis seroprevalence on a shared winter range. Journal of Wildlife Management 66(4): 1246-1254.